Sunday, March 29, 2015

For the week.

Spend time sharing your greatest career aspirations with your sweetheart this week. Not only will you feel safe sharing these innermost desires, you'll also find that your lover displays unwavering faith in you and support for your dreams. This level of sustenance will boost your confidence in an extraordinary way. He or she might even help you plan a strategy to help you achieve them in between some romantic private time together!

Me Today.

Although you might plan to fly under the radar today, the pace of events seems to be rapidly speeding up. However, adapting your expectations to the changes allows you to appear as if you're more in control than you actually are today. Thankfully, you can shift gears so inconspicuously that others won't even realize you are feeling stressed out. Just make sure you don't expend more energy than you have or you might run out of steam next week. A little advanced planning saves you from a big headache later on.

San Francisco!



It's been a long time the i have been here. I started to help with my grandmother its been pretty crazy but No one else can help. And in five months school starts Happy Dance!!!! 😀

What's to come

Hey!  So it's been crazy but That's how it is for right now. I want to post at the end of the month and in between the month, I'...